Hello, I'm Mateus Pontes.

I'm a brazilian Full Stack developer living in Lisbon, 🇵🇹. Currently, I'm focusing on front-end development, working full-time for VTEX (Brasil).

I can help you out with:

  • React.js Development
  • Node.js Development
  • Python, Ruby, PHP, SQL and NoSQL databases
  • AWS support and architecture
  • Software Engineering Consultant
  • and more...
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Check out my projects

Some Projects I've worked on or I'm still developing

Here are some of my key projects. I'm always working on something new, so check back often!

Headless CMS for VTEX Building a headless e-commerce CMS for VTEX clients, using typescript, Node, Graphql, REST APIs and AWS Galeria Meio Fio A brand new Shopify store for my wife's new art company to showcase her projects. Valor Economico Helped the team building the Page Builder to deliver the project from scratch within a year. Jus.com.br Deployed the new Cloud infra to Linode. Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Node JS Cidade Verde Working as a software consultant for one of the most prominent and influential news portals in Northeast Brazil.
View All My Projects
Mateus Pontes mateuspontes

Made with ♥ using Astro and TailwindCSS. Hosted on Vercel.

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